Protect your workers. Reduce energy costs.
Now, more than ever, indoor air quality is an issue of vital importance for commercial and public facilities of all types.
Fresh-Aire UV germicidal UVC light systems reduce the risk of airborne infectious diseases. Viruses, bacteria, and mold (like all microbes) have no defense against UVC light, which is present in sunlight but is filtered out by the Earth’s atmosphere. The very short 254 nm wavelength of UVC light is able to penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms and disrupt their DNA which inactivates them.
Download a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control showing UV disinfection using Fresh-Aire UV bulbs as an excellent means to extend the use of N95 respirators.
Fresh-Aire UV’s Coronavirus Update
Download our UVGI Design Guide for information on specifying, designing, or implementing Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) systems for air duct and cooling coil surface disinfection applications.
Our UV-C products clean the air throughout your building because they are installed directly inside your central air system. Microbes and odours are eliminated as air cycles repeatedly through the system.
Tested to achieve up to *99.999% reduction on microorganisms.
Indoor air pollution can be divided roughly into thirds:

Conventional filtration is effective against particulates, like dust, but has no effect on the other two thirds. Fresh-Aire UV light products, such as Blue-Tube UV, are proven to sterilize biological contaminants like mold, germs, and viruses in the air and on air system surfaces. Our award-winning APCO products neutralize odour-causing VOCs as well as biological contaminants inside the air system and throughout the home.
Every building can benefit from UV-C ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). Installing a Fresh-Aire UV UVGI system will result in significant energy and maintenance savings. These systems also improve indoor air quality for building occupants by reducing airborne biological contaminants and toxic VOCs. We offer practical solutions for all industrial, medical, retail, corporate, and hospitality applications.

Watch a comprehensive video about the entire lineup of Fresh-Aire UV products and using them on your projects.
Our most popular product, the Fresh-Aire UV Tubular Rack System offers easy, flexible installation and includes all the clamps and mounting hardware necessary for mounting.

It’s designed for use with standard 1/2″ EMT tubing or use our optional custom steel tubing. Choose normal-output lamps for surface and air treatment or optional high-output lamps for intensive air treatment.
Fresh-Aire UV’s UVGI is proven to sterilize cooling coils continuously, 24/7, safely, and cost-effectively. The Fresh-Aire UV Commercial Series Standard “L” System, Tubular Rack System, and APCO Rack System are all designed to stop biological fouling on the coils and will quickly pay for themselves in energy and maintenance savings.

The Environmental Surface Disinfection System uses germicidal UV-C light to disinfect room surfaces when the area is unoccupied. The UVGI system features overhead mounted high-output germicidal UV-C light fixtures. Each unit comes with an internal electronic power supply and door interlock safety switches. The Fresh-Aire UV lamps included with ESDS are of the highest quality hard quartz and are encased in a shatter-proof Teflon safety coating. Features a metal fixture with enclosed 120 or 230 VAC power supply, 1 or 2 high-output 12000 hour UV-C lamps. 1 or 2 lamp models are available
* Tested by Antimicrobial Test Laboratories (ATL) 99.999% reduction of MS2 bacteriophage. Laboratory test results available upon request.