The thermal mass flow measurement leaders.
The Sage Prime HVAC thermal mass flow meter measures natural gas flow rate and consumption in commercial, municipal, and industrial buildings, as well as school campuses, government facilities, hospitals, shopping centres and office buildings and complexes.
All Sage Prime HVAC Series of Thermal Mass Flow Meters are temperature-compensated and pressure insensitive, and are calibrated over the full range of your specified application in our automated NIST calibration facility at Sage headquarters.
Continuous diagnostics and a unique in-situ “Live Zero” check-point procedure provides a means to validate that the meter is operating properly, verifies no shift or drift, and eliminates the need for annual off-site calibration.
Sage flow meters are ideal for submetering gas usage, zone balancing, reducing energy costs, and to aid combustion efficiency strategies for heating boilers.

SageCom software is optionally available for the Sage Prime HVAC permitting the user to perform diagnostics, ensuring the meter functions correctly. SageCom can also reconfigure certain parameters in the flow meter, such as changing full scale, introducing a low flow cutoff, or modifying the filtering (e.g. smoothing the signal output, if needed). Contact us today for more information.